Latitude Athletic Therapy

August 1, 2021: COVID-19 Policies and Procedures

Please note that our clinic has followed Step 3 of BC’s Restart plan, which began on July 1, 2021 stating that employers are no longer required to maintain a COVID-19 Safety Plan, and can instead transition to communicable disease prevention.

We have kept the following policies in effect until further notice:

  1. All staff are screened daily with the BC COVID-19 Self Assessment Tool.

  2. Patients are required to complete a COVID-19 Prescreening Form and a Consent to Treatment Form prior to their appointment. This is sent out electronically 24 hours prior to appointment.

  3. All staff and clients are required to wear masks in the clinic. Masks must cover both the nose and mouth (cloth or medical masks are acceptable). Masks are available free of charge at the clinic.

  4. Clients and staff are required to wash or sanitize hands before and after each appointment.

  5. Clients are asked to arrive a maximum of 5 minutes before their scheduled appointment time to reduce appointment crossover and allow for cleaning between patient appointments.

  6. All high contact areas are cleaned and sanitized before and after each patient, using Avmor EP66 Disinfectant and Sanitizer.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation!